The article tells us more about the two-foldedness of sexuality in the middle ages that on one hand it was forbidden to even think about anything concerning sex due to the huge and powerful influence of the church, on the other hand, however, people lived out their sexual pleasures in every vulgar way imaginable.
Writing this down now, this somehow also reminds me again of the 'historc whore tour' that I did on the Reeperbahn, basically a tour for tourists in which you get to know more about the oldest profession in the world and how it developed in Hamburg. A lot of couples did that tour as well and they were always laughing about certain facts - indicating to me, that this is a world completely unknown to them or which they are at least not familiar with. On the other hand, however, the woman leader of the tour told us some statistics about how many men actually visit prostitutes still nowadays. I can't remember the exact number of it, but it actually meant that every third or fourth man in this group of mostly couples, statistically speaking, must have been a regular customer of prostitutes...
Basically, what I want to say here, is that to a certain extent - not as strict as in the middle ages, of course - but still to a certain extent, this two-foldedness in our society might still be intact. There are these certain areas, which are frowned upon and that hardly anyone is ever talking about. At least, this is what I think. What's your opinion?
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